Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and girls, young and old, are you keeping up to date on all the Wrestle Strong Dojo news?
Yes you say, well a big HI-5 to you.
No you say, well don’t you worry, I have you covered.
The following are the links to all the Wrestle Strong Dojo social media’s for you to be able to keep up to date, keep in touch and have your say with what’s going on.
Starting with the first and possibly the most popular way to stay up to date is the Wrestle Strong Dojo Facebook page, you will be able to see any live events that are coming up, and trust us when we say you do not want to miss them

But you can go one step further, have you joined the Wrestle Strong Dojo community? That’s where all fans far and wide can join in conversations, talk about who you want to see, express who your favourite is and why, while also getting some good laughs at some memes that may sneak there way in.

On top of that we also have the Wrestle strong Dojo podcast, original started by the famous Elliot and Sean, and recently picked up by Jack and Remi, it’s a good place to hear from the wrestlers themselves, a run down of our weekly YouTube shows (we will come back to this) and also a chance for you, you most amazing and loved fans to ask some questions that you might have burning in the back of your big bright brain.

I personally enjoy listening to the podcast in my car while driving too and from work, and will have a good chuckle every now and then while listening
Head on over to the wrestle strong dojo instagram where you can get all sorts of photos, and videos of the events that have happened or are happening!! Hi that heart button and share the love.

Don’t forget to head over to TikTok where you can find some videos and interesting fun moments that have been shared on TikTok and who knows maybe you would like to react, or even stitch with some of the videos, like when Dean Draven showed his chopping power on the punching bag, ouch.

But most important, and lucky last do not forget, and I mean DO NOT FORGET to head over to the Wrestle strong dojo YouTube channel to watch all 5 seasons that are currently up on there, and get ready for the premiere of season 6. We have live chat going where many wrestlers such as Joey Foxx, Mystic Jessie, Aragon all willing to talk and share their knowledge with the fans.

So get on board the train, let’s ride this all together to the Wrestle Strong Dojo city, where only the strong survive.