At Bonnyrigg sports club, Sunday 26th of March, wrestle strong dojo had a special event, Partnered up with the FACAA charity.
Wrestle strong dojo had their first ever 10 Man LUCHA Battle Royal!

In the Lucha Royal the wrestle strong dojo fans where able to see some new and old faces!
The faces that all wrestle strong dojo fans would know best would be the two crowd favourites, Gigante Piranha and Guijarro Piranha.

Along side the well know and probably less loved captain crossface.

Spirit of loco,

And our two more popular and more frequently seen Luchadors, Omen and El Isleno.

Amongst our already known and loved, or hated 6 Luchadors, the wrestle strong dojo fans got the chance to meet and see 4 new members to the wrestle strong dojo roster.
Creeping to the ring, and ready to go we had Nightgralla,

The loud and ready to rumble La Vikinga,

The powerhouse and hard hitting CRSM.

And someone who is already known, but never been in action like this before, the much loved dragon Arcus,

With all the Luchadors in the ring and ready to show what they have got, the bell was rung and all hell broke lose,

Who was going to be crowned the first Lucha to win the Lucha battle Royal?
The wrestle strong dojo fans would not be let down. There was a lot of hard hitting action, high flying action, and it was truly a fight of the strongest.

But the question was, who was going to be the winner amongst all these talented and well prepared and trained Luchadors?

There where some Close calls that had the fans on the edge of their seats, screaming and yelling for their favourite.

But in the end, only one could be the winner of the battle Royal, and it is fair to say.
The wrestle strong dojo fans would not be disappointed when it would happen.
The winner of the first Lucha battle Royal would be none other then the unpredictable, loud laughing, high flying and hard hitting OMEN.

The wrestle strong dojo fans are looking forward to seeing what comes next with all the new luchador wrestlers, and the adventures and fights that they will all bring to a already strong and entertaining wrestle strong dojo roster.
Keep your eye out for what is next in store and share with the wrestle strong community who your favourite Luchador wrestler is, and what your looking forward to in the future.
Don't forget to subscribe to the wrestle strong dojo YouTube channel, and sign up to the wrestle strong dojo newsletter to keep up to date on all news, events and exciting things that will come next.